Siege/Node War Rewards
Last updated
Last updated
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G
Ancient Spirit Dust
Cron Stone
Resplendent Medal of Honor
Item Collection Increase Scroll
[Event] Scroll of the Glorious Battlefield
Advice of Valks (+200)
Concentrated Magical Black Gem
Concentrated Moonlight Energy
Concentrated Sunlight Energy
Concentrated Starlight Energy
Moon Chest
Boss Heart Bundle
Moon Coin Box
Fierce Battle Medal
Advice of Valks (+500)
Advice of Valks (+1000)
Advice of Valks (+5000)
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G
Resplendent Medal of Honor
Item Collection Increase Scroll
Cron Stone
Fierce Battle Medal
Advice of Valks (+200)
Boss Heart Bundle
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G
Respiendent Medal of Honor
Cron Stone
Fierce Battle Medal