28 June 2024 - Reboot Release

Class Reboot Skills

We have implemented reboot class skills for all classes

There could be certain bugs, like skill descriptions, damage values, skill icons, skill cooldown setting incorrect or some animation or combo errors. This is very much expected since we can not simply fix everything in time. We will be releasing fixes as fast as possible for skills.

We think currently reboot is in a good enough stage to be on live servers. We know all of you wanted it.

Some classes have more issues than others. We are aware of that.

Due to reboot skill release all custom class skill adjustments have been removed and now obsolete

Ban Removals

Except from cheating we have removed all permanent mac bans

Mac bans aims to punish players for certain time and should be removed after 2 3 months. As many games do it. Currently we have not automated system for it so we will be removing mac bans after certain time.

We will be removing mac bans except those got banned for cheating

If you still have ban contact us through discord

We have added Godr-Ayed awakening weapon available for all classes except Shai

Crafting and enhancement are very similiar or same with Godr-Ayed Main Weapon

New Event: Sweet Candy

We plan to keep event up at least 30 days currently no exact end date but you can expect it to last 30 to 60 days

New Redeem Code: MOONBD-REBOOTED-2024

Obtain PEN Blackstar Sub-Weapon for FREE!

Go to Zeus NPC and accept the quest

Take your PEN: Blackstar Sub-Weapon Box

Quest item can not be listed on market

Bonus Moon Cash Event +50%

You will receive +50% more cash on all donations

Event will last 5 Days starting now

Will end at exactly: 05 July 2024 00:00 UTC

Trash Loot Event +50%

You will receive +50% more trash loot from monsters

Check details: here

Event will last 5 Days starting now

Will end at exactly: 05 July 2024 00:00 UTC

Red Battlefield 3x Reward Event

You will receive 3x more rewards on win or lose in RBF arena

We will keep event long as possible so all of you test PvP with new skills

Event will last 5 Days starting now

Will end at exactly: 05 July 2024 00:00 UTC

General Changes

  • Added Dahn and Ator exchanges to convert type

  • Removed all draught, elixir, buff effects from character

  • Some outfit bugs fixed

Market Changes

Adjusted prices for following items;

  • Visionary Sub-Weapon

  • Godr-Ayed Main-Weapon

  • Godr-Ayed Armor

  • Godr-Ayed Helmet

New Cash Shop Items

Some of the outfits could be bugged or partially not visible. We have checked and fixed most of the issues. If you encounter an issue with the outfits. Let us know through discord tickets.

  • [Corsair] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Dark Knight] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Guardian] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Kunoichi] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Lahn] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Maehwa] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Mystic] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Nova] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Ranger] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Sorceress] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Tamer] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Valkyrie] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Witch] Memento Mori Outfit Set

  • [Archer] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Berserker] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Hashashin] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Musa] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Ninja] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Sage] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Striker] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Warrior] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Wizard] Sielos Outfit Set

  • [Corsair] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Dark Knight] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Guardian] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Kunoichi] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Lahn] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Maehwa] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Mystic] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Nova] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Ranger] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Sorceress] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Tamer] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Valkyrie] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Witch] Celestia Outfit Set

  • [Archer] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Berserker] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Corsair] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Dark Knight] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Guardian] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Hashashin] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Kunoichi] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Lahn] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Maehwa] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Musa] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Mystic] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Ninja] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Nova] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Ranger] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Sage] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Shai] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Sorceress] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Striker] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Tamer] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Valkyrie] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Warrior] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Wizard] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Witch] Tiger Emissary Outfit Set

  • [Archer] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Berserker] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Corsair] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Dark Knight] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Guardian] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Hashashin] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Kunoichi] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Lahn] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Maehwa] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Musa] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Mystic] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Ninja] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Nova] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Ranger] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Sage] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Shai] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Sorceress] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Striker] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Tamer] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Valkyrie] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Warrior] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Wizard] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Witch] Winterland Soiree Outfit Set

  • [Archer] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Berserker] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Corsair] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Dark Knight] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Guardian] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Hashashin] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Kunoichi] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Lahn] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Maehwa] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Musa] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Mystic] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Ninja] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Nova] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Ranger] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Sage] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Shai] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Sorceress] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Striker] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Tamer] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Valkyrie] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Warrior] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Wizard] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Witch] Wonderland Outfit Set

  • [Archer] Agris Costume Set

  • [Berserker] Agris Costume Set

  • [Corsair] Agris Costume Set

  • [Dark Knight] Agris Costume Set

  • [Guardian] Agris Costume Set

  • [Hashashin] Agris Costume Set

  • [Kunoichi] Agris Costume Set

  • [Lahn] Agris Costume Set

  • [Maehwa] Agris Costume Set

  • [Musa] Agris Costume Set

  • [Mystic] Agris Costume Set

  • [Ninja] Agris Costume Set

  • [Nova] Agris Costume Set

  • [Ranger] Agris Costume Set

  • [Sage] Agris Costume Set

  • [Shai] Agris Costume Set

  • [Sorceress] Agris Costume Set

  • [Striker] Agris Costume Set

  • [Tamer] Agris Costume Set

  • [Valkyrie] Agris Costume Set

  • [Warrior] Agris Costume Set

  • [Wizard] Agris Costume Set

  • [Witch] Agris Costume Set

  • [Corsair] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Dark Knight] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Guardian] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Kunoichi] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Lahn] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Maehwa] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Mystic] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Nova] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Ranger] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Sorceress] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Tamer] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Valkyrie] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Witch] Shell Belle Outfit Set

  • [Corsair] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Dark Knight] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Guardian] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Kunoichi] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Lahn] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Maehwa] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Mystic] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Nova] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Ranger] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Sorceress] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Tamer] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Valkyrie] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Witch] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Shucked)

  • [Corsair] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Dark Knight] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Guardian] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Kunoichi] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Lahn] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Maehwa] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Mystic] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Nova] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Ranger] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Sorceress] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Tamer] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Valkyrie] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

  • [Witch] Shell Belle Outfit Set (Wipeout)

Possible Future Content

Some of the things mentioned above can be cancelled, we do not promise any of these as a certain content for future. We sometimes encounter some un-fixable issues which causes content to be removed completely

Here whats plan without any order or release date;

  • Crystals for awakening weapon

  • Custom designed artifact system (we will keep it simple and small number of items as possible)

  • New boss expedition (currently on testing 5 player or world boss)

  • Altar of blood expedition (not started any work on it yet)

  • Simple boss expeditions (like Pila-Fe, Ibedor scroll). We are investigating options for making custom logics and monster spawns to make it fun and unique.

  • Investigate custom ship gear for sailing

  • Investigate options for improving bartering

  • Investigating life-skill improvements and scaling with game economy

  • Investigate new beginner experience improvements

  • Upgrades to Dahn and Ator gear (not near future)

  • Custom spots (Fully customized one and crescent shrine)

We have not released boss expedition because there are still polishing to be made and we must release some content with it so we keep it on test for now.

Last updated