❗Common Errors and Fixes

You can contact developers for support by create a Discord support ticket.

Necessary files for solving problems before/after playing MoonBD

You need the .NET6.0 to run our latest launcher.

Game Crash Troubleshooting

If Your Game Crashes and Having Any Problems Follow These Steps:

  1. Clear Cache folder in root game folder.

  2. Delete MoonBDO Corsair in Documents (this will reset all of your settings, you can save it to somewhere else or rename the folder).

  3. Go to launcher settings and select your language again.

  4. If you have font installed, remove it.

  5. Go to launcher settings click on Check File Integrity. Let it check and update missing/corrupt files.

  6. Do not put game or launcher in desktop or in C:/ Drive directly, create a folder and put launcher and game files inside there.

  7. Create exceptions in your active antivirus programs for game folder.

  8. Restart your PC.

Most of the time these steps will solve your issue if your issue is not resolved create support ticket.

Account Does Not Exist or Incorrect Password

As this may be obvious check your username and password in launcher re-enter in launcher and try again.

If does not work reset your password or change it if you can login to website.

If you cant login to website as well, go to forgot password page in MoonBD website.

Couldn't connect to Update Servers

Either servers are in maintenance or your launcher might be old download latest launcher and extract inside game folder Download here.

If problem continues, move game folder to somewhere else

Couldn't connect to Authentication Servers

This is most likely servers being offline/maintenance but it is possible you might have old version of launcher Download Here.

Kernel Initialization Failed

This is mostly happens with systems with Windows 11 OS installed.

Check this article and disable Core Isolation in Windows Settings.

If you can't find it in settings contact developers.

Last updated