
You can join MoonBD Discord Server by click here.

Support Ticket System

You can easily reach to us by create a support ticket in #ticket-support for:

  • Report Bug/Issue

  • Report a Player (Scamming / Cheating / Insulting / Macros / Bots / Abusing Exploits / RMT)

  • Suggestion

  • Support

  • General Questions

  • Donation

After you created a ticket, our staff team will reply to you ASAP.

Bot Commands

You can use these commands in #botcommands channel.

  • ..autobuy

  • ..boss

  • ..bosscalendar

  • ..calendar

  • ..customitems

  • ..day

  • ..donation

  • ..download

  • ..error

  • ..faq

  • ..help

  • ..information

  • ..invite

  • ..liveguard

  • ..login

  • ..night

  • ..ping

  • ..privacy

  • ..register

  • ..rules

  • ..telegram

  • ..tempban

  • ..tos

  • ..vote

Last updated