Griffon Draught


Griffon Draught;

  • Griffon's Elixir x3

  • Elixir of Frenzy x3

  • Tears of the Falling Moon x1

Griffon Draught (Alternative);

  • Strong Griffon's Elixir x1

  • Elixir of Endless Frenzy x1

  • Phantom Essence x1

  • Tears of the Falling Moon x1

Griffon Draught (Mass Crafting);

  • Griffon's Elixir x30

  • Elixir of Frenzy x30

  • Tears of the Falling Moon x10

  • Ibellab Essence x1

Griffon Draught (Alternative Mass Crafting);

  • Strong Griffon's Elixir x10

  • Elixir of Endless Frenzy x10

  • Tears of the Falling Moon x10

  • Ibellab Essence x1

Griffon Draught's buff

  • Extra AP against Kamasylvian Monsters +30

  • Back Attack Damage +5%

  • Critical Attack Damage +5%

  • Accuracy +12

  • Stamina +200

  • -15 All DP

  • HP recovery +3 per hit

Last updated